Monday, August 22, 2005

Xanga Feed Converter 0.4

','',$xml);$xml = str_replace('','',$xml);// Don't know why Xanga would send this like this but not anymore$xml = str_replace(' ',' ', $xml);// Break the feed into components$items = explode('', $xml);// Add a description element to the channel for validity$items[0] .= 'An RSS Feed of a Journal';// Make the titles a lot coolerfor ($i=1; $i<6; $i++) { // grab the description part $description ="" strstr($items[$i], ''); // Get rid of any HTML $description = html_entity_decode($description); $description = strip_tags($description); // Extract the first 25 characters of that $extra = substr($description, 0, 25); // Separate the title from the rest $itempieces = explode('', $items[$i]); // Add a space plus the first 25 characters to the title $itempieces[0] = $itempieces[0] . ' ' . $extra . '...'; // Put the pieces of the item back together $items[$i] = implode('', $itempieces);}// Put the items back together$xml = implode('', $items);// Output the final RSS feedecho $xml;?>


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